The art of science fiction. While five kids scream in his ears.
R.L. Arenz III brings fiction with bite, the way only a moody, hilarious pugilist can… while homeschooling the kids ‘cause freaking COVID.
Learn how to take an emotional punch. Recover, and take another one. Don’t worry, you’re wearing your cup, right?
R.L. Arenz III crashes onto the literary scene with a character-driven super-heroic sci-fi adventure in Aegis.
… Punches back at the shadows with characters who bleed on the page, and entrench in readers’ hearts. He’s not THE Florida Guy, but he is a guy… who lives in Florida.

Any injury healed faster, each fight made him stronger, and every wound never replicated.
Like the mythological shield of the gods, Kyle became Aegis, a shield against evil.
Not all shields are unbreakable. Some shatter.
Journey with Kyle 'Aegis' Ross through triumph and failure, with allies against super powered foes, and the emotional upheaval of love and loss. A discovery of who he is, and who he wants to be, against the backdrop of fantastical battles as every step brings him closer to a destiny he wasn’t aware of.
A fate his enemy already knows.
Join Aegis as he laces up his boots. Now, someone tell him: what is a hero?