The Premiere of Combat 1: Royal Rumble 2023
Lord Cephas and the Earl of Florida reconnect with their roots and dive into the first WWE paper view of the year for Combat 1
Lord Cephas and the Earl of Florida journey down the rabbit hole to a time when Monday night wrestling was king. Raw vs Nitro.
But alas, those days have gone. The sun has set on Monday night rating wars between WCW and the, at the time, WWF.
Has the sun truly set on the height of wrestling? Will the night rob us of bright times with some of our favorite wrestling personalities and athletes?
Or is it only storm clouds that blot out the sun and cast the beloved sport into a false evening? Will the clouds part and deliver us a rainbow to promise more sports entertainment in the form of professional wrestling?
Journey with us to the Rumble as we search for the answers to questions. Like, is wrestling still fun? Will the sporting spectacle persevere? And can two (cough cough) older gentlemen reclaim the joys of professional wrestling they loved in their youth?
Here we go!
The Earl of Florida and Lord Cephas Begin
Two Cousins and lifelong friends express their love and appreciation for all things science fiction, fantasy, and pop culture. Lord Cephas and the Earl of Florida share weekly insights on MidnightMagicMusings.
You may ask, how did the great and glorious duo of the Earl of Florida and Lord Cephas begin?
It all started many moons ago. Come close, my curious adventurers, in search of amusement, information, and a completely unique perspective.
Oddly enough the arrival of the Earl and Cephas occurred on the same say, a few years apart. Born into the same Clan, slightly different vintage, the two boys became confidants, friends, co-conspirators, and brothers. Star Wars, Star Trek, M.A.S.H., Buck Rogers, wrestling, church, pizza, video games, Florida Gator football, and many other things united the like-minded youth.
Years and different professional paths attempted to create a great divide between the two. However, the cousins (more like brothers), refused to bow under the pressures of the deadly adulting threat. It’s like the old saying, “you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose. Or your family.” Yet we will always pick one another as friends and brothers. And maybe each other’s nose, when the “rule police'“isn’t looking. Okay, maybe that’s just the Earl.
Now, in the present, we have united to bring our many midnight phone calls of various topics and views to you, the public. Be afraid. Be very afraid. I jest of course. But seriously, join us on our Midnight Magic Musings as we cover pop culture, film, television, literature, and any other random points of interest that rear their heads for our conversations.
Feel free to like, subscribe, and comment on the channel. We want your feedback, interest, and company as we travel through shared interests at that wonderful midnight hour.
Our Youtube Page is “HERE”
Come join us, visit, kick up your feet, and stay awhile. You’re in good company with the Earl of Florida and Lord Cephas.
Midnight Magic Musings Episode #9: Jan 19, 2023
In this week's episode, Broken Ansible joins Lord Cephas and the Earl of Florida again. The crew discusses The Last of Us, Mandalorian Season 3, Avatar: The Way of Water, and Marvel-Chine. Plus an exclusive discussion with the trio over favorite theme songs from television shows.
This episode we take a peek at The Mandalorian Season 3 trailer and discuss possible paths the series could go. Any Mandalorian fans will enjoy the back and forth between the Earl and Broken.
You don’t know what the “Last of us” is? Swing in for a mostly spoiler free discussion.
We take a look at the success of Avatar 2 and the golden touch of King James “Midas” Cameron.
Marvel has returned to China. This is the way … to more money. Maybe? See what I did there?
And lastly, we run through some of the greatest theme songs of television history. According to the terrific trio.
Pop in and join the conversation. We’re expecting you.